kaden's first blog. our first kid. it's an entreprenurial adventure.

Wednesday, October 31

"Trick or Treat Time"

Here on Standish St we are blessed with a capacity crowd on Halloween every year. It is quite a sight to see, so much so that one family I spoke to had driven 30 mins to come trick or treating on our street. So after Kaden was done with his short trip around the block collecting candy, I set him up on our front stoop to hand out the goodies to everyone.

Kaden took this responsibility very seriously, greeting nearly everyone with "Trick or Treat Time" and dutifully handed each kid their allotment. When there was no one around he would pull the hood of his bear costume up and practice his "GRRR." But make no mistake, as soon as anyone got close he would pull his hood off quickly to show that he meant serious candy-giving business.

We've got a little video and photos below. Happy Halloween everyone.

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