we don't need no stinkin press clippings
So, apparently CBS News has graced this dear blog with its presence. They've taken note of this here blog and not surprisingly do not find it up to the standards of CBS News.
Some fathers publicize their baby's latest party tricks. "Kaden now waves, claps, knows to back himself down stairs, and, get this, he WALKS," Start-Up Dad blogs. "He's tromping all around the house falling and getting back up and falling again." I'm hoping his audience is mostly family members.
Duh, it IS for family members and friends.. it's a BLOG. Although the mainstream press has been jumping on the blog bandwagon, they still don't seem to get the idea of the personal publishing revolution. I'm not even going to address their lack of understanding of sarcasm.
In other more relevant press news, Daddy Types covers our friend Allen's great video of him breaking the news of a baby coming before his Mom can get to the blog to read about it.
(CBS News, via Daddy Types, who does a better job summing up this article than I did)
For more on CBS News, you can see their ridiculous attempt at a blog. Where they try to reach the masses by posting by posting tidbit news not worthy of broadcast.