kaden's first blog. our first kid. it's an entreprenurial adventure.

Saturday, April 2

Congrats to UNC on making the final four, we'll be watching tonight of course. What a great service the NCAA tournament has done for our home. I'm convinced Megan planned the whole pregnancy knowing she would be stuck at home this first month and might as well have something to watch. Thankfully the tournament has delivered some excellent games to keep her entertained, and even a few I got into as well. Yes, resistance was futile and a couple years into our marriage I have officially been colonized with basketball. We were even trying to adjust Kaden's sleep slightly this last week to catch some late games.

At this point, the squeaking of sneakers on the court is probably as familiar a sound to Kaden as his parents voices.

Oh, I also added a little feature on the left column that generates how old Kaden currently is.


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